Merge Protections

Merge Protections

Elevate Code Quality

Elevate Code Quality

Elevate Code Quality

Customize merge rules and scheduling to prevent bugs and ensure only high-quality code reaches your repository.

Avoid poor code quality and bugs with proper merge criteria

Customizable Merge Rules

Customizable Merge Rules

Leverage the power of customizable rules to define exactly what makes a pull request mergeable.

Leverage the power of customizable rules to define exactly what makes a pull request mergeable.

- name: 🧑‍🚒 Hotfix Review Requirements


- label = hotfix

- or:
- "#approved-reviews-by >= 2"

- approved-reviews-by = @eng-mgr

- body ~= (Fix|Related).* (INC|ENGINE)-

- name: 🧑‍🚒 Hotfix Review Requirements


- label = hotfix

- or:
- "#approved-reviews-by >= 2"

- approved-reviews-by = @eng-mgr

- body ~= (Fix|Related).* (INC|ENGINE)-

- name: 🧑‍🚒 Hotfix Review Requirements


- label = hotfix

- or:
- "#approved-reviews-by >= 2"

- approved-reviews-by = @eng-mgr

- body ~= (Fix|Related).* (INC|ENGINE)-

YAML example configuration

YAML example configuration

Tailored merge rules

Tailored merge rules

Tailored merge rules

Whether you want to enforce Conventional Commits, require specific labels, respect schedules, or check for certain metadata, you can tailor rules to your unique workflow.

YAML configuration

YAML configuration

YAML configuration

With an intuitive YAML configuration file stored directly in your repository, your merge rules are versioned, transparent, and easily understood by your entire team.

Since adopting Mergify, our code quality has skyrocketed. Merge Protections serve as a custom gatekeeper for our repository, ensuring only top-quality code gets merged. We've drastically reduced post-deployment bugs, boosting our codebase's confidence.

Bálint Bartha

Senior Platform Engineer at Back Market

Don't merge whenever.
Take control over when merges happen

Intelligent Scheduling and Freeze Periods

Intelligent Scheduling and Freeze Periods

Take control of when merges happen with Merge Protections' advanced scheduling features.

Take control of when merges happen with Merge Protections' advanced scheduling features.

Weekly merge schedule

Weekly merge schedule

Weekly merge schedule

Set specific days of the week or hours of the day when merges are allowed, ensuring that your team is merging at the most optimal times.

Freeze periods

Freeze periods

Freeze periods

Block merges during critical periods or national holidays. Define freeze periods that automatically prevent merges, giving you peace of mind during important events.

Exception control

Exception control

Exception control

Allow for urgent fixes. Configure exceptions to bypass the freeze and keep your workflow moving.

Integrating Mergify transformed our development process. The ability to set our own merge criteria and schedules has given us full control over our repository management. It has streamlined our workflow and empowered us to catch issues early, enhancing the overall reliability of our software, optimizing our team’s efficiency and coordination.

Sean Davis

Senior CI/CD Engineer at Ava Solutions

Manage your pull requests dependencies

Do not merge your pull requests out of order

Do not merge your pull requests out of order

Take control of when merges happen with Merge Protections' dependencies handling.

Take control of when merges happen with Merge Protections' dependencies handling.

Tag dependent pull requests

Tag dependent pull requests

Tag dependent pull requests

Describe your pull requests dependencies directly from their body, ensuring no code is merged before its need are fulfilled.

Cross-repositories change management

Cross-repositories change management

Cross-repositories change management

Do not feel obliged to use a monorepo: handle multiple pull requests across multiple repositories.

Streamline your CI workflow

Streamline your CI workflow

Streamline your CI workflow

Streamline your CI workflow